Who are the Skaal?

Today we’re discussing a people who have one of the most unique theological takes on Tamriel, alongside being one of the few to work with what is essentially magical ice. Today we’re asking, who are the Skaal?

Who were the Ayleids?

Today we’re examining the achievements and legacy of one of the most magically adept cultures on Tamriel, who leave behind a vast legacy of arane architecture at the heart of the continent. Today we’re asking, what were the Ayleids?

What is the Uutak Mythos?

Today Written in Uncertainty leaves Tamriel and heads east. No, not to Akavir. To the islands of Ynslea, and its bat-elf people, the Echmer. We sit down with Uutak Mythos creator At-Hatoor/IceFireWarden to discuss elves, bats, souls, perspectives, colonialism and a bunch of other stuff in the context of the Elder Scrolls. Enjoy! Interview transcript:… Continue reading What is the Uutak Mythos?

What is the Psijic Order?

Today Written in Uncertainty looks at the oldest order of organised mages on Tamriel, who are often claimed to be the greatest spellcasters on Nirn, even though they might not even use magicka for what they do. Today we’re asking, what is the Psijic Order?

What are the Reachmen?

The Reachfolk’s Origins On Tamriel The Reachfolk are a culture of men that inhabit the area of Tamriel that sits on Skyrim’s western border and High Rock’s eastern border. They are called Bretons by pretty much everyone, but they have some unique history that separates them from the rest of High Rock. They’re as much… Continue reading What are the Reachmen?

What is the Wilderking?

Today on Written in Uncertainty we’re looking at a being and a god who is a fusion of people and place, the embodiment of a bond that defines a culture. Today we’re asking, what is the Wilderking? —- Send me an email: writteninuncertaintypodcast@gmail.com Talk Elder Scrolls lore with other fans at the Written in Uncertainty… Continue reading What is the Wilderking?

What is Altmer Religion About?

Rather than diving straight in to Altmer religion, I want to start off by looking at merish religion more broadly. I’m defining “Aldmeri religion” a little loosely, but we’ll mostly be looking at the religious traditions that emerged from Summerset. I guess you could say that we’re therefore looking at “Altmeri” religion more than we… Continue reading What is Altmer Religion About?

What are the Bosmer?

The podcast looks at a culture that is both one of the most and least defined on Tamriel, and tells many reality-altering stories. What are the Bosmer?