Who were the Ayleids?

Today we’re examining the achievements and legacy of one of the most magically adept cultures on Tamriel, who leave behind a vast legacy of arane architecture at the heart of the continent. Today we’re asking, what were the Ayleids?

What have the Remans ever done for us?

Today Written in Uncertainty looks into one of the most successful, and definitely one of the most technologically-advanced cultures on Tamriel. They built spaceships, conquered most of the continent, and had a ruler who was birthed out of a hill. Today we’re asking, what have the Remans ever done for us?

Who is Pelinal?

Today we’re taking a look at one of the most influential and yet obscure characters in the Elder Scrolls lore. This person has, if some texts are to be believed, formed multiple empires, committed acts of genocide against both elves and the land of Tamriel itself, and possibly came from the future. Today we’re asking, who is Pelinal?

Why does Tamriel need an Empire?

Today on Written in Uncertainty we’re looking at something that drives both the lore and the games, that is based on the very structure of Tamriel itself. It’s driven pretty much every major war on the continent, and also, paradoxically, has brought it peace. Today we’re asking, why does Tamriel need an Empire?

Elder Scrolls Lore Book Analysis: Shezarr and the Divines

This week on Written in Uncertainty, we look at Shezarr and the Divines, and how the Divines was mashed together as a political move, and all that means. Check out the show’s website: https://www.writteninuncertainty.com Talk TES lore with other fans at the Written in Uncertainty Discord: https://discord.gg/Jc3r99w Send me an email: writteninuncertaintypodcast@gmail.com Keep in touch… Continue reading Elder Scrolls Lore Book Analysis: Shezarr and the Divines

Elder Scrolls Lore Book Analysis: The Monomyth, Shezarr’s Song

This week, Written in Uncertainty reads a book intended to bring all the various creation myths of Tamriel (and beyond?) together into one place: The Monomyth, this week looking at the Cyrodilic tale, Shezarr’s Song: https://www.imperial-library.info/content/monomyth-cyrodiilic-shezarrs-song Check out the show’s website: https://www.writteninuncertainty.com Talk TES lore with other fans at the Written in Uncertainty Discord: https://discord.gg/Jc3r99w… Continue reading Elder Scrolls Lore Book Analysis: The Monomyth, Shezarr’s Song