Welcome to Written in Uncertainty

Hello and welcome to Written in Uncertainty, an Elder Scrolls podcast sat firmly in the Grey Maybe of Tamriel. This podcast some of the subjects in Elder Scrolls lore that take a bit of untangling. Questions about some of the metaphysical concepts used in the series, particularly contentious historical events or characters within it, that sort of thing.

I do hope you enjoy exploring the Grey Maybe of Tamriel with us.

  • What is an Enantiomorph?

    Today on Written in Uncertainty, we’re looking at a pattern fundamental to the structure of Mundus. We’re asking, what is an enantiomorph?

  • What Happened to the Dwemer?

    In this episode, Written in Uncertainty discusses what the Dwemer were trying to do with Lorkhan’s heart, with the Falmer, and what happened to them when they disappeared during the Battle of Red Mountain.

  • Introduction to Written in Uncertainty

    Welcome to Written in Uncertainty! This episode outlines my perspective on the lore, and what that means for how I’ll be talking about it in the podcasts.

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