Hello and welcome to Written in Uncertainty, an Elder Scrolls podcast sat firmly in the Grey Maybe of Tamriel. This podcast some of the subjects in Elder Scrolls lore that take a bit of untangling. Questions about some of the metaphysical concepts used in the series, particularly contentious historical events or characters within it, that sort of thing.
I do hope you enjoy exploring the Grey Maybe of Tamriel with us.
What is Magic?
Written in Uncertainty looks at one of the fundamental forces of Tamriel, that is pat of the very character of Mundus itself, although it may have been some happy accident. Today we’re asking, what is magic on Tamriel, and how does it work?
Who are the Direnni?
This week on Written in Uncertainty we’re discussing one of the most influential clans of Altmer in Tamriel’s history, who have shaped magic as we know it, and created one of the races of Tamriel as part of the process. Today we’re asking, who were the Direnni?
Interview with ESO Loremaster Leamon Tuttle
Written in Uncertainty recently had the pleasure of having an interview with ESO Loremaster Leamon Tuttle, and we chatted about the lore in ESO, the character of Sotha Sil and the Tribunal, how Antiquities was developed, the joy of Nietzsche and a whole bunch of other stuff. Thanks to Leamon for his time, and I…