Welcome to Written in Uncertainty!

Hello and welcome to Written in Uncertainty, an Elder Scrolls podcast sat firmly in the Grey Maybe of Tamriel. This podcast some of the subjects in Elder Scrolls lore that take a bit of untangling. Questions about some of the metaphysical concepts used in the series, particularly contentious historical events or characters within it, that sort of thing.

I do hope you enjoy exploring the Grey Maybe of Tamriel with us.

  • Interview with The Elder Scrolls Lorecast

    Special episode! I did an interview with The Elder Scrolls Lorecast over the weekend.  We talk perspectives on the lore, some history of the franchise, hopes for ES6 and a whole grab-bag of other stuff, including some bits about Immanuel Kant.  Episode will be out later this week/over the weekend as normal. Check out the……

  • Elder Scrolls Lore Book Analysis: Monomyth Intro

    This week, Written in Uncertainty starts to read a book intended to bring all the various creation myths of Tamriel (and beyond?) together into one place: The Monomyth ( https://www.imperial-library.info/content/monomyth ). This week, we cover the intro, examining the Time God and the Space God. Check out the show’s website: https://www.writteninuncertainty.com Talk TES lore with……

  • Who is Trinimac?

    Today on Written in Uncertainty, we’re discussing one of the strongest entities in The Elder Scrolls who was cast down and humiliated, and ultimately transformed, transforming his people with him. Or was he in fact many other things at once? Today we’re asking, who is Trinimac?