Welcome to Written in Uncertainty!

Hello and welcome to Written in Uncertainty, an Elder Scrolls podcast sat firmly in the Grey Maybe of Tamriel. This podcast some of the subjects in Elder Scrolls lore that take a bit of untangling. Questions about some of the metaphysical concepts used in the series, particularly contentious historical events or characters within it, that sort of thing.

I do hope you enjoy exploring the Grey Maybe of Tamriel with us.

  • What is the Aurbis?

    This week on Written in Uncertainty I’m discussing some of the most fundamental parts of the Elder Scrolls universe, looking at its basic structure and how it works at the most macro level. Today we’re asking, what is the Aurbis?

  • What are the Hist?

    This week on Written in Uncertainty, we’re discussing some of the most mysterious entities in The Elder Scrolls. Things that can shape an entire race, and are probably the closest thing to aliens that we will ever see. Today we’re asking, what are the Hist?

  • What is a god in The Elder Scrolls?

    There is a wide variety of deities worshipped across Tamriel, and having looked into what shapes many of these beings, today we’re asking, what actually IS a god in The Elder Scrolls?