Welcome to Written in Uncertainty!

Hello and welcome to Written in Uncertainty, an Elder Scrolls podcast sat firmly in the Grey Maybe of Tamriel. This podcast some of the subjects in Elder Scrolls lore that take a bit of untangling. Questions about some of the metaphysical concepts used in the series, particularly contentious historical events or characters within it, that sort of thing.

I do hope you enjoy exploring the Grey Maybe of Tamriel with us.

  • What are the Crowns and the Forebears?

    Written in Uncertainty examines one of the fundamental splits in Redguard culture, that of the Crowns and Forebears.

  • What Makes Redguard Culture Unique?

    This week on Written in Uncertainty we’re continuing to look at the Redguards, with a deeper dive into the things in their culture that are unique, namely their gods, sword-singing, and a brief evaluation of memory stones.

  • What is the History of the Redguards?

    Today on Written in Uncertainty we’re talking about the only race to have successfully invaded Tamriel, who have both tried to integrate and stand apart. All this while possibly having the most complete understanding of a timeline outside of Mundus that we know of. Today we’re asking, what is the culture of the Redguards about?